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Título: Testicular histological features and sperm quality in healthy dogs of different body weight
Autores/as: Batista Arteaga, Miguel 
González Valle, Fernando 
Cabrera Martín, Fernando 
Santana, M.
Gracia Molina, Anselmo 
Clasificación UNESCO: 310411 Reproducción
Palabras clave: Testicular histological features
Sperm quality
Fecha de publicación: 2014
Publicación seriada: Reproduction in Domestic Animals 
Conferencia: 12th International Congress of the Spanish-Association-for-Animal-Reproduction 
Resumen: The aim of this study was to define the histological structure oftesticular parenchyma in healthy mongrel dogs and the relationshipsbetween the seminal quality and the microscopic testicular findings.Two groups were performed: group 1 (n=10), dogs weighting<10 kgand group 2 (n=8), males weighting between 10 and 25 kg. Semenwas collected and seminal quality was evaluated (please, add brieflyseminal parameters evaluated). Then, males were orchidectomized andtestes were processed, assessing different histological parameters:number of seminiferous tubules, seminiferous tubule diameter andnumber of Sertoli and Leydig cells by seminiferous tubule. Resultsshowed that the semen volume (2nd fraction) and the total number ofspermatozoa were higher (p<0.01) in group 2 (0.7 vs. 1.9 ml and376.19106vs. 981.29106spermatozoa, dogs<10 kg and dogs10–25 kg, respectively); however, it did not find any significantdifferences in the other of seminal parameters between groups. Inaddition, the number of seminiferous tubules, with or withoutspermatozoa, and the number of Sertoli and Leydig cells weresignificantly higher in group 1. By contrast, the seminiferous tubulesdiameter was higher in group 2 (276.5 vs. 306.7lm, group 1 vs. group2, p<0.05). This study confirmed that the dog weight has a directrelationship with the testicular parenchyma structure and, therefore,with the sperm production
ISSN: 0936-6768
DOI: 10.1111/rda.12402
Fuente: Reproduction In Domestic Animals [ISSN 0936-6768], v. 49 (sup. 4), p. 100, Abstract OC13, (Octubre 2014)
Colección:Actas de congresos
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