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Título: Mujer y ejercicios retóricos en los Progymnasmata de J. Micraelio
Autores/as: Moreno García, Jesús Alexis 
Clasificación UNESCO: 620205 Retórica
Palabras clave: Progymnasmata
Female virtues and vices
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Publicación seriada: Euphrosyne 
Resumen: This work analyses how the female figure is described in the exercises of the Progymnasmata Aphthoniana in usum scholarum et studiosorum eloquentiae by Johannes Micraelius, particularly those in the fable and narrative parts. Our analysis reveals that the presence of women in Micraelius’ examples is remarkable and, besides, that women are always depicted positively rather than considered a punishment for mankind. It may be concluded, therefore, that men and women share the same vices and virtues, these not being exclusive of one gender or the other. In fact, Micraelius draws up a balance between vices and virtues; he opposes destructive and alienating love to castitas, here understood either as abstinence from sex, fidelity to one’s spouse or confluence of interests and life. Likewise, Micraelius opposes superbia (the most outstanding vice and cause of destruction, as it reveals the desire to resemble the gods) to pietas, that is, to man’s submission to God, which brings peace and harmony.
ISSN: 0870-0133
DOI: 10.1484/J.EUPHR.5.125307
Fuente: Euphrosyne [ISSN 0870-0133], n. 47, p. 367-379
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