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Título: Composition and Molecular Identification of Bacterial Community in Seawater Desalination Plants
Autores/as: García Jiménez, M. Del Pilar 
Carrasco Acosta, Marina 
Enrique Payá, Carlos
Alemán López, Irina
Betancort Rodriguez,Juana Rosa 
Herrera Melián, José Alberto 
Clasificación UNESCO: 241404 Bacteriología
230331 Química del agua
Palabras clave: Biofouling
16s rRNA
Reverse Osmosis Membrane
Pseudomonas sp., et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Proyectos: Diseño E Implementación de Un Sistema de Monitorización Espacio -Temporal Eficiente de la Biodiversidad Marina Basado en la Aplicación de Metodologías Genéticas Sobre Muestras 
Plataforma Macaronésica para el incremento de la excelencia en materia de I+D en desalación de agua y del conocimiento del nexo agua desalada-energía 
Publicación seriada: Advances in microbiology 
Resumen: Biofouling is an important problem for reverse osmosis (RO) membrane manufacturers. Bacteria are mainly involved in generating fouling and obturating RO membranes. Insights into biofilm bacteria composition could help prevent biofouling, reduce the cost of using RO-fouling membranes and guarantee safe water. Culture-dependent and independent techniques were then performed in order to identify bacteria associated with RO membranes. Bacteria cultures described the presence of six pure colonies, four of which were identified through API testing. Based on 16s rRNA gene analysis, a predominant bacterium was identified and annotated as Sphingomonas sp. The 16s rRNA gene clone library, on the other hand, showed that the bacterium, Pseudomonas marincola, accounted for nearly 30% of the clone library, while the rest of bacteria were chimeras (62%) and non-representative species (3%). In conclusion, culture-dependent and independent approaches showed that two dominant bacteria were commonly observed in RO desalination membranes.
ISSN: 2165-3402
DOI: 10.4236/aim.2019.910053
Fuente: Advances in microbiology [ISSN 2165-3402], v. 9 (10), p. 863-876
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