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Título: An institutional trust indicator based on fuzzy logic and ideal solutions
Autores/as: Martín Hernández, Juan Carlos 
Román García, Concepción 
Viñán, Christian
Clasificación UNESCO: 5309 Organización industrial y políticas gubernamentales
Palabras clave: Ecuadorian Provinces
Fuzzy Logic
Political Power
Trust In Institutions
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Publicación seriada: Mathematics
Resumen: The analysis of trust in the governments and the authorities has been a source of study in recent years, especially by the impact it has on facilitating economic growth and stability in developing countries. This paper analyses the institutional trust in Ecuador using data from an adapted survey of the European Social Survey. A synthetic indicator of institutional trust of Ecuadorian citizens is obtained by applying a fuzzy hybrid multi-criteria method. The analysis is based on six different dimensions, namely: (1) The Local Government (City Hall); (2) The Judicial System; (3) The Politicians; (4) Political Parties; (5) The National Parliament; and (6) the United Nations. The results obtained for the country, the nine provincial conglomerates and the gender segments show that institutional trust is not homogeneous among the provincial zones and that males trust more on institutions than females. The paper offers interesting insights to practitioners, researchers, academics, political scientists, and policymakers interested in Latin America. Suggestions for future research in the area, having in mind the existing data availability limitations, are provided.
DOI: 10.3390/MATH8050807
Fuente: Mathematics[EISSN 2227-7390],v. 8 (5), (Mayo 2020)
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