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Título: The analysis of a planning task
Autores/as: Romero-Castro, M
Rodriguez-Rodriguez, A 
Clasificación UNESCO: 120304 Inteligencia artificial
Fecha de publicación: 2000
Publicación seriada: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 
Conferencia: 4th Joint Conference on Knowledge Based Software Engineering (JCKBSE) 
Resumen: In this paper we present how a planning domain can be analysed in order to allow reusability. We propose a lineal task decomposition with a global control task. The control task is modelled using a generic problem solving method (PSM) for planning. We have selected a PSM that fits the main characteristics of this control task. We have applied these ideas and we have obtained the analysis in the RCC (Rescue Center Go-ordination) and SAR 802 Squadron of the Spanish Air Forces in Las Palmas (Canary islands). We have applied the problem solving methods that provide the CommonKADS methodology and we have modified some of them following this philosophy. We have developed a prototype of the Knowledge Based System (KBS) that it works fine, and this fact validates the analysis we have performed. The clear advantages of reusability are the decrease in development time and effort.
ISBN: 1-58603-060-4
ISSN: 0922-6389
Fuente: Knowledge-Based Software Engineering [ISSN 0922-6389], v. 62, p. 85-92, (2000)
Colección:Actas de congresos
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