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Título: Synthesis and Characterization of Blue Faceted Anatase Nanoparticles through Extensive Fluorine Lattice Doping
Autores/as: Calatayud, David G.
Jardiel, Teresa
Peiteado, Marco
Illas, Francesc
Giamello, Elio
Palomares, Francisco J.
Fernandez-Hevia, Daniel
Caballero, Aniador C.
Clasificación UNESCO: 2307 Química física
Palabras clave: Oxygen Vacancies
Doped Tio2
Photocatalytic Degradation
Solar Absorption, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Proyectos: "Producción de Fotocatalizadores Nanoestructurados Por Procesos de Bajo Coste y Alta Productividad Para Descontaminación de Aguas Residuales: Nanobac 
Publicación seriada: Journal of Physical Chemistry C 
Resumen: An effective synthesis strategy for the extensive fluorination of the TiO2 anatase lattice has been developed which provides a highly stable blue-colored titania powder. The process also produces a convenient faceted morphology of the doped nanoparticles. Both theoretical and experimental data indicate an ordered atomic structure, in which an exceptionally high amount of fluorine ions substitute oxygen ions in the TiO2 lattice. The extra-electrons borne by fluorine are stabilized by lattice Ti cations. via a mechanism of valence induction, eventually leading to a consequent high amount of reduced Ti3+ centers. Such structure, whose general formula can be expressed as Ti(1-x)4+Tix3+O(2-x)2-Fx-, confers an excellent stability to the as-synthesized nanoparticles (in spite of the excess electrons), explaining for example why the blue color is retained even upon storage in ambient atmosphere. But moreover, the high concentration of the relatively shallow Ti3+ generated states also form a sort of sub-band close to the bottom of the conduction band itself. The whole effect results in a tangible decrease (0.2 eV) of the anatase band gap which allows an inspiring upgrading of its UV photocatalytic activity. Our results also suggest that narrowing the band gap is insufficient for a substantial improvement in the visible light harvesting.
ISSN: 1932-7447
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b06923
Fuente: Journal Of Physical Chemistry C [ISSN 1932-7447], v. 119 (36), p. 21243-21250, (Septiembre 2015)
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