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Título: Gloria Thalasso & Hotels: strategic management of human resources as the key to success
Autores/as: Melián González, Santiago 
Clasificación UNESCO: 531290 Economía sectorial: turismo
Palabras clave: Gloria Thalasso & Hotels
Human resources direction
Fecha de publicación: 2017
Editor/a: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 
Resumen: Gloria Thalasso & Hotels is a family company that currently possesses and utilizes four hotel establishments, theree in the sourth of Gran Canaria and one hotel in Lanzarote. The total number of rooms the hotel group offers is 1.145 and the company staff consists of 640 workers (average of the year 2013). The hotels in the south of Gran Canaria make up the majority of the company's activity; 90% of its offering is on the Island, white the establishments in Lanzarote haver 108 rooms. The thotels in the Gloria Thalasso & Hotels chain stand out because of their privileged location with sea views, wide open spaces, failiar warmth, gastronomy, and dediation to health and well-being through their thalassotherapy centres. In Gloria Thalasso &Hoteles the workers have always been considered a key element in the development of hotel activitiy. Over time, the company has established a human resources direction aligned with a general system of management and the goal of improving business performance. This human resources direction is algo characterized by the high technical development of the practices it carries out
ISBN: 978-1-4438-9129-5
Fuente: Successful Case Studies in the Canary Islands' Tourism Industry / Teresa Aguiar Quintana; Rosa M. Batista Canino (eds.)
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