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Title: Reusability of planning tasks. Analysis of the search and rescue domain
Authors: Romero-Castro, M
Rodríguez Rodríguez, Abraham 
UNESCO Clasification: 120304 Inteligencia artificial
Keywords: Knowledge modelling
Knowledge-based systems
Issue Date: 2000
Conference: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI'2000) 
Abstract: We present in this paper our initiative about the analysis of a planning system. We outline the analysis with a structured approach and apply this idea to the Search and Rescue (SAR) domain. The planning of a SAR mission is a process in which the necessary resources to accomplish a search and rescue operation should be selected, combined and configured. The decisions made for certain aspects can influence other mission components, so that the solution is built through an iterative process. Each one of these aspects that influence the final plan is a complex task. We propose a decomposition of the planning activities facilitating the reuse of the components and tasks in other domains. We use the CommonKADS methodology because it supplies us with a set of templates and tools for knowledge modelling.
ISBN: 1-892512-59-9
Source: Ic-Ai'2000: Proceedings Of The International Conference On Artificial Intelligence, v.1 (3), p. 1053-1059, (2000)
Appears in Collections:Actas de congresos
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