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Título: Newton transforms: new tools for cast and image processing
Autores/as: Moreno Díaz, Roberto 
Moreno Díaz, Roberto Jr. 
Garcés-Guevara, S.
Clasificación UNESCO: 120304 Inteligencia artificial
Fecha de publicación: 1996
Publicación seriada: Cybernetics and Systems 
Resumen: From Newton filters, previously presented computer aided systems theory (CAST) tools whose basic ideas for design are inspired directly by the neurons of the retinal pathway, we define a new class of transforms, the Newton transforms, using what we call Newton matrices. The properties of these matrices, which are explained in this paper, make it possible to define this transformation on data fields whose inverse has the same structure as the direct transform. A parallel processing neuron-like structure for computing these calculations is designed, and an example of the use of this technique is on image processing and coding is also presented.
ISSN: 0196-9722
DOI: 10.1080/019697296126408
Fuente: Cybernetics And Systems [ISSN 0196-9722], v. 27 (5), p. 441-448, (Septiembre-Octubre 1996)
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