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Title: Deeper than expected: the finding of a remarkable ancient harbour at Gadir/Gades and an exceptional sedimentary archive (Cadiz, Southern Spain)
Authors: Bernal-Casasola, Dario
Salomon, Ferreol
Diaz, Jose J.
Lara, Macarena
Rixhon, Gilles
Morales Mateos, Jacob Bentejui 
Vidal Matutano, Paloma 
UNESCO Clasification: 550501 Arqueología
Keywords: Sea-Level
Phoenician-Roman City
Classical Archaeology, et al
Issue Date: 2020
Journal: Journal of Maritime Archaeology 
Abstract: Geoarchaeological cores were retrieved in the centre of the old "Bahia-Caleta" palaeochannel located between the Erytheia and Cotinusa islands in the former Cadiz archipelago, in present-day southern Spain. The unprecedented coring depth (~ 35-50 m) allowed us to identify the bottom of a Phoenician-Punic and Roman harbour. Located at 20-40 m b.s.l. in the sedimentary sequence, silty sand deposits reveal a deep semi-protected shelter with abundant ceramic and archaeobotanical findings. Based on these new results, the palaeotopography of the islands of Cadiz is reinterpreted, demonstrating the presence of a harbour accessible from the west and possibly from the east until (at least) the Roman period. This major discovery opens meaningful perspectives for archaeological, geomorphological and palaeoenvironmental research.
ISSN: 1557-2285
DOI: 10.1007/s11457-020-09258-w
Source: Journal Of Maritime Archaeology [ISSN 1557-2285], v. 15 (2), p. 165-183, (Junio 2020)
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