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Título: Lifestyle and heart diseases in choice experiments
Autores/as: Grisolía Santos, José María 
Clasificación UNESCO: 320501 Cardiología
Palabras clave: Choice Experiments
Financial Incentives
Health Claims
Health Interventions, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Editor/a: Academic Press (Elsevier) 
Resumen: Choice experiments (CE) are used to understand individuals’ choices in all types of situations using hypothetical scenarios. In this chapter, I review CE applied on lifestyle interventions within the context of heart diseases and other health problems. In terms of diet, a CE shows how important healthiness is in order to explain food choices. It demonstrates how information is essential to orientate costumers. Within this context labels with simple and clear messages such as traffic light system or daily guidelines, along with health claims, are efficient ways to inform. For physical activity, it is more important to have convenience facilities for exercise and a well-designed and well-built environment for walking and other moderate exercises. Individuals might trade between diet and exercise in the context of a risk of suffering heart disease, showing more inclination for exercise rather than diet. The most effective interventions are those who comprise a cash reward.
ISBN: 978-0-12-811279-3
DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-811279-3.00012-4
Fuente: Lifestyle in Heart Health and Disease / Ronald Ross Watson and Sherma Zibadi (Ed.), Chapter 12, p. 163-173, (Enero 2018)
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