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Título: Elaboration of an-leaching map using a coupled GIS-based simulation model. Application to La Aldea (Gran Canaria) aquifer
Otros títulos: Elaboración de un mapa de lixiviación de nitratos mediante una metodología de acople SIG-modelo de simulación. Aplicación al acuífero de La Aldea (Gran Canaria)
Autores/as: Bejarano, C.
Cabrera, M. C. 
Candela, L.
De Paz, J. M.
Clasificación UNESCO: 250605 Hidrogeología
250804 Aguas subterráneas
Palabras clave: Geographic Information System (Gis)
Gran Canaria Nitrate
Model Gleams
Non-Point Source Pollutants
Vadose Zone
Fecha de publicación: 2003
Proyectos: CICYT 1FD97-0525
Publicación seriada: Boletín Geológico y Minero 
Resumen: Nitrate diffuse pollution is one of the main risks that affect the groundwater quality. Several european directives, national and regional guidelines have been enacted to protect the aquifers against the effect of the agricultural management practices. The "La Aldea" aquifer was declared nitrate vulnerable area following these laws. In this study a methodology was developed to link a Geographical Information System (GIS) with a nitrogen simulation model (GLEAMS) in this area. This tool allows to assess the amount of nitrate leaching that coming from the traditional nitrogen fertilization rates in greenhouses tomato crops, and gives the opportunity to simulate other fertilization rates to reduce the risk of groundwater pollution. The nitrate leaching reached to 500 kg N/ha in several zones of the study area, that represent the 62% of the nitrogen fertiliser apply in a traditional management. It was recommended the application of the Code of Good Management Practices or other recommendation system to decrease the nitrate leaching, in order to reduce the risk of groundwater pollution.
ISSN: 0366-0176
Fuente: Boletin Geologico y Minero [ISSN 0366-0176], v. 114 (2), p. 213-224, (Abril 2003)
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