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Título: Electrochemical response of aluminum in contact with beer
Autores/as: Mareci, Daniel
Popa, Ionel Marcel
Ungureanu, Gina
Aelenei, Delia
Mirza Rosca, Julia Claudia 
Clasificación UNESCO: 330307 Tecnología de la corrosión
330309 Operaciones electroquímicas
3312 Tecnología de materiales
Palabras clave: Aluminum
Fecha de publicación: 2006
Publicación seriada: Scientific Study and Research: Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Industry 
Resumen: The aluminum, a very oxidable material from the thermodynamically viewpoint, has an excellent corrosion resistance, due to the thin and adherent oxide layer formed onto its surface.By using electrochemical methods - potentiometry and EIS - the electrochemical parameters of the corrosion process of aluminum in beer have been determined: the corrosion potential (Ecorr), the corrosion intensity (Icorr), the polarization resistance (Rp), the pitting potential (Egp) and the repassivation potential (Erp). The equivalent circuit used is typically for pitting corrosion. Optical microscopy has been used for completing the analysis of attacked surfaces. The experiments showed the localized corrosion susceptibility of aluminum in contact with beer.
ISSN: 1582-540X
Fuente: Scientific Study and Research-Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Biotechnology Food Industry [ISSN 1582-540X], v. 7 (4), p. 769-778
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