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Título: Procedures for offline grid nesting in regional ocean models
Autores/as: Mason, Evan
Molemaker, Jeroen
Shchepetkin, Alexander F.
Colas, Francois
McWilliams, James C.
Sangrá Inciarte, Pablo 
Palabras clave: Primitive Equation Model
South Atlantic
Circulation Model
Part I, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2010
Publicación seriada: Ocean Modelling 
Resumen: One-way offline nesting of a primitive-equation regional ocean numerical model (ROMS) is investigated, with special attention to the boundary forcing file creation process. The model has a modified open boundary condition which minimises false wave reflections, and is optimised to utilise high-frequency boundary updates. The model configuration features a previously computed solution which supplies boundary forcing data to an interior domain with an increased grid resolution. At the open boundaries of the interior grid (the child) the topography is matched to that of the outer grid (the parent), over a narrow transition region. A correction is applied to the normal baroclinic and barotropic velocities at the open boundaries of the child to ensure volume conservation. It is shown that these steps, together with a carefully constructed interpolation of the parent data, lead to a high-quality child solution, with minimal artifacts such as persistent rim currents and wave reflections at the boundaries.Sensitivity experiments provide information about the robustness of the model open boundary condition to perturbations in the surface wind stress forcing field, to the perturbation of the volume conservation enforcement in the boundary forcing, and to perturbation of the vertical density structure in the boundary forcing. This knowledge is important when extending the nesting technique to include external data from alien sources, such as ocean models with physics and/or numerics different from ROMS, or from observed climatologies of temperature, salinity and sea level.
ISSN: 1463-5003
DOI: 10.1016/j.ocemod.2010.05.007
Fuente: Ocean Modelling [ISSN 1463-5003], v. 35 (1-2), p. 1-15, (2010)
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