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Title: Experimentation with a reverse osmosis plant powered by renewable energies
Authors: Segura, L.
Gómez Gotor, Antonio 
De la Nuez Pestana, Ignacio Agustín 
UNESCO Clasification: 330806 Regeneración del agua
Keywords: Renewable energy
Energy recovery
Variable speed driver (Vsd)
Reverse osmosis (R.O.)
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: ACTA Press
Conference: 2nd IASTED International Conference on Advanced Technology in the Environmental Field 
Abstract: The paper presents the experimental results of several tests that have been carried out in a reverse osmosis plant powered by renewable energies. Mainly, the variations on feed flow, reject flow, recovery and power consumption are displayed as well as its relation with the available power.The plant studied has a production over 115m(3)/day at nominal conditions. For the investigation, the plant has been obligated to operate in variable loading conditions, in such way that it is working as a plant powered by renewable energies.On the other hand, the energy recovery system which will be installed on the plant to reach power consumption lower is displayed.
ISBN: 0-88986-552-3
Source: Proceedings of the Second IASTED International Conference on Advanced Technology in the Environmental Field, ATEF 2006 / L. Ubertini (Editor), p. 168-172, (Diciembre 2007)
Appears in Collections:Actas de congresos
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