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Title: Wide and efficient trace prediction using the local trace predictor
Authors: Moure, Juan C.
Benítez, Domingo 
Rexachs, Dolores I.
Luque, Emilio
UNESCO Clasification: 1203 Ciencia de los ordenadores
330406 Arquitectura de ordenadores
Keywords: Branch Prediction
High Bandwidth Fetch Mechanism
Issue Date: 2006
Conference: 20th Annual International Conference on Supercomputing, ICS 2006 
Abstract: High prediction bandwidth enables performance improvements and power reduction techniques. This paper explores a mechanism to increase prediction width (instructions per prediction) by predicting instruction traces. Our analysis shows that predicting traces including multiple branches is not significantly less accurate than predicting single branches. A novel Local Trace Predictor organization is proposed. It increases prediction width without reducing the ratio of prediction accuracy versus memory resources with respect to a Basic Block Predictor.Compared to the previously proposed Next-Trace Predictor, the Local Trace Predictor reduces memory requirements by codifying trace predictions, and by limiting the number of traces starting at the same instruction to 2 or 4. The limit lessens prediction width only slightly, and does not affect prediction accuracy. The overall result is that the Local Trace Predictor outperforms the Next-Trace Predictor for sizes higher than 12 KBytes.
ISBN: 978-1-59593-282-2
DOI: 10.1145/1183401.1183411
Source: Proceedings of the International Conference on Supercomputing, p. 55-65, (Diciembre 2006)
Appears in Collections:Actas de congresos
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