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Título: Risk Price after Euro's introduction
Autores/as: Santana Jiménez, Yolanda 
Perez Rodriguez, Jorge Vicente 
Clasificación UNESCO: 531008 Acuerdos monetarios internacionales
Palabras clave: Risk Premium
Exchange Rate
Conditional Volatility
Fecha de publicación: 2005
Publicación seriada: Estudios De Economia Aplicada 
Resumen: This paper analyses the evolution of the risk premium of the peseta/dollar and pound sterling/dollar. For this purpose, we consider that the risk premiums are a function of the conditional covariance between two exchange rates, and that they can be separated into two components which vary through time: the price of risk and the conditional volatility. Daily frequency data have been used, covering the period from January 1 1996 to January 12 2001. The results show an increase of the risk premium for the peseta/dollar after the introduction of the euro, implying an increase of risk in the European Union area against the dollar. On the other hand, it is expected that the pound sterling appreciates against the peseta in the presence of expected depreciations of the peseta against the dollar in that period. Finally, it does not seem to be evidence of greater link of commom movements between the peseta and the pound sterling after the entrance of the euro.
ISSN: 1133-3197
Fuente: Estudios De Economia Aplicada[ISSN 1133-3197],v. 23 (1), p. 187-206, (2005)
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