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Título: Corrosion Resistance Improvement of Titanium Base Alloys
Autores/as: Popa, Mihai V.
Vasilescu, Ecaterina
Drob, Paula
Vasilescu, Cora
Drob, Silviu I.
Mareci, Daniel
Mirza Rosca, Julia 
Clasificación UNESCO: 330307 Tecnología de la corrosión
3312 Tecnología de materiales
Palabras clave: Implant Materials
Dental Alloys
Stability, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2010
Publicación seriada: Química Nova 
Resumen: The corrosion resistance of the new Ti-6Al-4V-1Zr alloy in comparison with ternary Ti-6Al-4V alloy in Ringer-Brown solution and artificial Carter-Brugirard saliva of different pH values was studied. In Ringer-Brown solution, the new alloy presented an improvement of all electrochemical parameters due to the alloying with Zr; also, impedance spectra revealed better protective properties of its passive layer. In Carter-Brugirard artificial saliva, an increase of the passive film thickness was proved. Fluoride ions had a slight negative influence on the corrosion and ion release rates, without to affect the very good stability of the new Ti-6Al-4V-1Zr alloy.
ISSN: 0100-4042
DOI: 10.1590/S0100-40422010000900014
Fuente: Quimica Nova [ISSN 0100-4042],v. 33 (9), p. 1892-1896
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