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Título: Island mass effect in the Juan Fernandez Archipelago (33 degrees S), Southeastern Pacific
Autores/as: Andrade, Isabel
Sangrá Inciarte, Pablo 
Hormazabal, Samuel
Correa-Ramirez, Marco
Clasificación UNESCO: 2510 Oceanografía
Palabras clave: Satellite Chlorophyll
Phytoplankton Bloom
Annual Cycle
Chile, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2014
Publicación seriada: Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 
Resumen: Spatial and temporal variability of the island mass effect (IME; defined as local increases of phytoplankton associated with the presence of islands) at the Juan Fernandez Archipelago (JFA) is analyzed using chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) satellite data, altimetry, sea surface temperature, wind, geostrophic currents and net heat flux over a ten year period (2002-2012). The the JFA islands (Robinson Crusoe-Santa Clara (RC-SC) and Alejandro Selkirk (AS)) present wakes with significant Chl-a increases, mainly during spring time. These wakes can reach Chl-a values of one order of magnitude higher (similar to 1 mg m(-3)) than the surrounding oligotrophic waters ( < 0.1 mg m(-3)). The wakes are similar to von Karman vortex streets which have been used to explain the impact of IME on Chl-a increases in numerical models. The wakes are formed from a high productivity area in the lee of the island, extending to the oceanic region as high Chl-a patches associated with submesoscale eddies that are detached from the islands and connected by less-productive zones. This pattern coincides with previous models that predict the effects of island-generated flow perturbations on biological production variability. The IME is a recurrent feature of islands that has even been observed in decadal average fields. In such average fields, the Chl-a values in RC-SC and AS islands can exceed values found in a Control Zone (a zone without islands) by similar to 50% and 30%, respectively. Seasonal and interannual variability reveals that, as a consequence of the IME, the winter Chl-a maximum associated with the development of winter convection and mesoscale eddies that propagate from the continental zone, promote that the Chl-a maximum extends towards spring. The IME has an impact on the island on both a local as well as a more regional scale that affects an area of similar to 40,000 km(2) (1 degrees Latitude x 4 degrees Longitude) centered on the islands. The transport of high productivity patches associated with submesoscale eddies may be responsible for IME propagation at a regional scale. Around the islands, the presence of a weak oceanic incident flow and strong and recurrent wind-wakes, suggest that the generation of Chl-a wakes result from a combined effect between both forcings.
ISSN: 0967-0637
DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr.2013.10.009
Fuente: Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers [ISSN 0967-0637], v. 84, p. 86-99, (Febrero 2014)
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