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Title: E-Commerce, ICTs and Online Dispute Resolution: Is This the Beginning of a New Professional Profile?
Authors: Vilalta, Aura Esther
Pérez Martell, Francisca Rosa 
UNESCO Clasification: 560503 Derecho mercantil
Keywords: Online Dispute Resolution
Resolución de disputas en línea
Comercio electrónico
Issue Date: 2015
Journal: International journal of online dispute resolution 
Abstract: There is a close link between the growth of Internet usage, the development of mobile technology, the expansion of markets and the increasing number of online dispute resolution mechanisms (ODRs). This article seeks to start a conversation about the need to provide justice by means of effective mechanisms, in particular for e-commerce disputes and transnational litigation. It also provides some information on the recent international initiatives towards the regulation of this new arena, and concludes with an early approach to the future challenges and the impact on training, qualifications and expertise of ODR professionals and service providers.
ISSN: 2352-5002
DOI: 10.5553/IJODR/235250022015002002002
Source: International Journal of Online Dispute Resolution [2352-5002], n. 2, p. 140-155
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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