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Título: Are Medical Students of Non-Spanish Nationality Studying in Spain as Sensitized to Transplantation as Those of Spanish Nationality?
Autores/as: Rios, A.
Lopez-Navas, A.
Gutierrez, P. R.
Gomez, F. J.
Iriarte, J.
Herruzo, R.
Blanco, G.
Llorca, F. J.
Asunsolo, A.
Sanchez, P.
Fernandez, A.
De Jesus, M. T.
Lana, A.
Fuentes, L.
Hernández Hernández, Juan Ramón 
Virseda, J.
Yelamos, J.
Bondia, J. A.
Carrillo, J.
Sanchez, A.
Martinez Alarcon, L.
Parrilla, P.
Ramirez, P.
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
Palabras clave: Living Kidney Donation
Psychometric Characteristics
Liver Donation
Validation, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Publicación seriada: Transplantation Proceedings 
Conferencia: 11th Congress of the Andalusian-Society-of-Organ-and-Tissue-Transplantation (SATOT) 
Resumen: Introduction. Awareness of organ donation among Spanish doctors and medical students is very positive. However, the emerging group of professionals of non-Spanish nationality studying in Spain has not been analyzed.Objective. To analyze the differences in the attitudes toward the different types of donation among medical students, according to their nationality.Methods. The population under study is medical students in Spanish universities using the database of the International Collaborative Donor Project, stratified by geographic area and academic year. Groups under study include students of non-Spanish nationality as group 1 (n = 1570) and students of Spanish nationality as Group 2 (n = 7705). Instruments are validated questionnaires of attitude toward donation "PCID-DTO-Rios," "PCID-DVR-Rios," "PCID-DVH-Rios," and "PCID-XenoTx-Rios."Results. The attitude toward the donation of own organs after death is similar in both groups (P = .703). Non-Spaniards are 79.2% in favor compared to 79.6% of Spaniards. Living kidney donation, both unrelated (33.3% vs 29.3% in favor; P = .001) and related (91.2% vs 89, 6% in favor; P = .047), is more favorable among non-Spanish students. There are no differences regarding non-related living liver donation (29.7% vs 29.3% in favor; P = .063), but there are differences in the results for related living liver donation (94.1% vs 88%; P < .001). The attitude toward xenotransplantation of organs is similar (80.8% vs 80.8%; P = .999).Conclusions. Awareness of the donation of organs among Spanish medical students is similar to non-Spanish students studying in Spain, except the attitude toward living donation.
ISSN: 0041-1345
DOI: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2019.11.039
Fuente: Transplantation Proceedings [ISSN 0041-1345], v. 52 (2), p. 435-438, (Marzo 2020)
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