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Título: Binomial transform of the generalized k-Fibonacci numbers
Autores/as: Falcon, Sergio 
Clasificación UNESCO: 120504 Teoría elemental de los números
Palabras clave: K-Fibonacci numbers
Generalization of the K -Fibonacci numbers
Generating function
Binomial transform
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Publicación seriada: Communications In Mathematics And Applications 
Resumen: We recall the concept and some properties of the generalized k-Fibonacci numbers and then apply the binomial transform to these sequences. As consequence, we obtain new integer sequences related to the generalized k -Fibonacci numbers. Finally, we find the recurrence relation of these new sequences and the formulas for their sums.
ISSN: 0976-5905
DOI: 10.26713/cma.v10i3.1221
Fuente: Communications In Mathematics And Applications [ISSN 0976-5905], v. 10 (3), p. 643-651, (2019)
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