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Título: Ecocriticism of the Anthropocene and the Poetics of Breathing
Autores/as: Marrero Henríquez, José Manuel 
Clasificación UNESCO: 550510 Filología
Palabras clave: Ecocritical
Latin American Literature
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Editor/a: Peter Lang Publishing Group 
Resumen: If culture is part of nature, the hypothesis that written forms of Hispanic literary texts preserve the desire to grasp the immediate knowledge of the environment, which Walter Ong studies in primary orality or Bruno Latour describes in the paradoxical movement of scientific investigation by which one moves away from reality to approach it, points to a commendable theoretical and critical objective. In Hispanic literatures, Latin American or European, those akin to indigenous cosmogonies, Christian lineage or declaredly atheist, or of oral, written or digitally virtual origin, Anthropocene ecocriticism has the important generic and transboundary task of highlighting the complementarity of artistically complex literary and oral processes and the poetics of breathing that they share.
ISBN: 978-3-631-78550-8
DOI: 10.3726/b16211
Fuente: Hispanic Ecocriticism / Marrero Henríquez, José Manuel (ed.), p. 19-48
Colección:Capítulo de libro
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