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Title: The Superiority of the Otolith System
Authors: Ramos De Miguel, Ángel 
Zarowski, Andrzej
Sluydts, Morgana
Ramos Macías, Ángel Manuel 
Wuyts, Floris L.
UNESCO Clasification: 32 Ciencias médicas
Keywords: Otolith function
Vestibular implant
Saccule, et al
Issue Date: 2020
Journal: Audiology and Neuro-Otology 
Abstract: Background: The peripheral vestibular end organ is considered to consist of semi-circular canals (SCC) for detection of angular accelerations and the otoliths for detection of linear accelerations. However, otoliths being phylogenetically the oldest part of the vestibular sensory organs are involved in detection of all motions. Summary: This study elaborates on this property of the otolith organ, as this concept can be of importance for the currently designed vestibular implant devices. Key Message: The analysis of the evolution of the inner ear and examination of clinical examples shows the robustness of the otolith system and inhibition capacity of the SCC. The otolith system must be considered superior to the SCC system as illustrated by evolution, clinical evidence, and physical principles.
ISSN: 1420-3030
Source: Audiology and Neurotology [ISSN 1420-3030], v. 25(1-2), p. 35–41
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