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Título: Associations between dietary polyphenols and type 2 diabetes in a cross-sectional analysis of the PREDIMED-Plus trial: Role of body mass index and sex
Autores/as: Tresserra-Rimbau, Anna
Castro-Barquero, Sara
Vitelli-Storelli, Facundo
Becerra-Tomas, Nerea
Vázquez-Ruiz, Zenaida
Díaz-López, Andrés
Corella, Dolores
Castañer, Olga
Romaguera, Dora
Vioque, Jesús
Alonso-Gómez, Ángel María
Wärnberg, Julia
Martínez, José Alfredo
Serra Majem, Luis 
Estruch, Ramon
Tinahones, Francisco José
Lapetra, José
Pintó, Xavier
Tur, Josep Antoni
López-Miranda, José
García-Molina, Laura
Delgado-Rodríguez, Miguel
Matía-Martín, Pilar
Daimiel, Lidia
Rubín-García, María
Vidal, Josep
Galdon, Alba
Ros, Emilio
Basterra-Gortari, Francisco Javier
Babio, Nancy
Sorlí, José Vicente
Hernáez, Álvaro
Konieczna, Jadwiga
Notario-Barandiaran, Leyre
Tojal-Sierra, Lucas
Pérez-López, Jessica
Abete, Itziar
Álvarez-Pérez, Jacqueline 
Fernández-García, José Carlos
Santos-Lozano, José Manuel
Galera-Cusí, Ana
Julibert, Alicia
Ruiz-Canela, Miguel
Martinez-Lacruz, Raul
Pérez-Vega, Karla Alejandra
Galmes-Panades, Aina María
Pastor-Polo, Concepción
Moreno-Rodriguez, Anai
Gea, Alfredo
Fitó, Montserrat
Lamuela-Raventós, Rosa María
Salas-Salvadó, Jordi
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
Palabras clave: Catechins
Hydroxybenzoic Acids
Hydroxycinnamic Acids, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Proyectos: Efecto de la Dieta Mediterránea Hopocalórica y Promoción de la Actividad Física en Prevención Primaria Cardiovascular.Estudio Piloto Sobre Marcadores Intermedios. 
Efecto de Una Pérdida de Peso Con Dieta Mediterránea Hipocalórica y Promoción de la Actividad Física en la Prevención Primaria Cardiovascular 
Sistema Inmune Inespecífico en Dorada (Sparus Aurata): Activación Del Sistema Interferón y Papel de la Actividad Bh4. Pi042004/153 
Neuroprotección Por Bloqueo de la Capacidad de Transactivadora Nf-Kb y Factores Relacionados. 
Publicación seriada: Antioxidants 
Resumen: Overweight and obesity are important risk factors for type 2 diabetes (T2D). Moving towards healthier diets, namely, diets rich in bioactive compounds, could decrease the odds of suffering T2D. However, those individuals with high body mass index (BMI) may have altered absorption or metabolism of some nutrients and dietary components, including polyphenols. Therefore, we aimed to assess whether high intakes of some classes of polyphenols are associated with T2D in a population with metabolic syndrome and how these associations depend on BMI and sex. This baseline cross-sectional analysis includes 6633 participants from the PREDIMED-Plus trial. Polyphenol intakes were calculated from food frequency questionnaires (FFQ). Cox regression models with constant time at risk and robust variance estimators were used to estimate the prevalence ratios (PRs) for polyphenol intake and T2D prevalence using the lowest quartile as the reference group. Analyses were stratified by sex and BMI groups (overweight and obese) to evaluate potential effect modification. Catechins, proanthocyanidins, hydroxybenzoic acids, and lignans were inversely associated with T2D. Hydroxycinnamic acids were directly related in men. These associations were different depending on sex and BMI, that is, women and overweight obtained stronger inverse associations.
ISSN: 2076-3921
DOI: 10.3390/antiox8110537
Fuente: Antioxidants [ISSN 2076-3921] v. 8 (11), (Noviembre 2019)
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