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Título: The cooperation strategies for the performance improvement in the cruise sea–land logistics: evidence from Italy
Autores/as: Di Vaio, Assunta
Boccia, Flavio
Trujillo Castellano, Lourdes 
Clasificación UNESCO: 531212 Transportes y comunicaciones
Palabras clave: Cooperation Strategies
Cruise Terminal
Technical Efficiency, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Publicación seriada: Quality and Quantity 
Resumen: This paper aims to measure the terminal’s performance in the cruise sea–land logistics using the methodology of stochastic frontier analysis. A 10-year study has been conducted on a sample of five relevant Italian cruise terminals. The first results highlight that high performance might be associated with cooperation strategies by the cruise companies in cruise infrastructure management. However, analysis of performance through the “time segments” would seem to show that these cooperation strategies are addressed to improve the facilities in terms of services and the cruiser’s logistics between sea and land in the port destinations. Interesting academic and managerial implications have been provided and discussed.
ISSN: 0033-5177
DOI: 10.1007/s11135-019-00900-x
Fuente: Quality and Quantity[ISSN 0033-5177], v. 54, p. 1479–1490
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