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Título: Interactive impacts of silver and phosphorus on autotrophic biofilm elemental and biochemical quality for a macroinvertebrate consumer
Autores/as: Crenier, Clément
Sanchez-Thirion, Kévin
Bec, Alexandre
Felten, Vincent
Ferriol, Jessica
González, Aridane G. 
Leflaive, Joséphine
Perrière, Fanny
Ten-Hage, Loïc
Danger, Michael
Clasificación UNESCO: 230331 Química del agua
251002 Oceanografía química
Palabras clave: Benthic Microalgae
Ecological Stoichiometry
Essential Fatty Acids
Freshwater Biofilms
Gammarus Fossarum, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Publicación seriada: Frontiers in Microbiology 
Resumen: Autotrophic biofilms are complex and fundamental biological compartments of many aquatic ecosystems. In particular, these biofilms represent a major resource for many invertebrate consumers and the first ecological barrier against toxic metals. To date, very few studies have investigated the indirect effects of stressors on upper trophic levels through alterations of the quality of biofilms for their consumers. In a laboratory study, we investigated the single and combined effects of phosphorus (P) availability and silver, a re-emerging contaminant, on the elemental [carbon (C):nitrogen (N):P ratios] and biochemical (fatty acid profiles) compositions of a diatom-dominated biofilm initially collected in a shallow lake. We hypothesized that (1) P and silver, through the replacement of diatoms by more tolerant primary producer species, reduce the biochemical quality of biofilms for their consumers while (2) P enhances biofilm elemental quality and (3) silver contamination of biofilm has negative effects on consumers life history traits. The quality of biofilms for consumers was assessed for a common crustacean species, Gammarus fossarum, by measuring organisms' survival and growth rates during a 42-days feeding experiment. Results mainly showed that species replacement induced by both stressors affected biofilm fatty acid compositions, and that P immobilization permitted to achieve low C:P biofilms, whatever the level of silver contamination. Gammarids growth and survival rates were not significantly impacted by the ingestion of silver-contaminated resource. On the contrary, we found a significant positive relationship between the biofilm P-content and gammarids growth. This study underlines the large indirect consequences stressors could play on the quality of microbial biomass for consumers, and, in turn, on the whole food web.
ISSN: 1664-302X
DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.00732
Fuente: Frontiers in Microbiology [ISSN 1664-302X], v. 10, 732
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