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Título: Preliminary studies on in vitro methods for the evaluation of anticoccidial efficacy/resistance in ruminants
Autores/as: Odden, Ane
Stuen, Snorre
Enemark, Heidi L.
Robertson, Lucy J.
Molina Caballero, José Manuel 
Ruiz Reyes, Antonio 
Clasificación UNESCO: 310907 Patología
320505 Enfermedades infecciosas
Palabras clave: Anticoccidial Resistance
Bovine Colonic Epithelial Cells
Eimeria Spp.
In Vitro Assay
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Publicación seriada: Experimental parasitology 
Resumen: Ovine Eimeria spp. infections cause increased mortality, reduced welfare and substantial economic losses, and anticocccidials are important for their control. Recent reports of anticoccidial resistance against ovine Eimeria spp. necessitate the development of in vitro methods for the detection of reduced anticoccidial efficacy, especially since the in vivo methods are both expensive, time consuming and requires the use of otherwise healthy animals. The aim of the present study was therefore to approach a preliminary standardization of in vitro assays for evaluation of the efficacy of the most commonly used anticoccidials in ruminants. For this purpose, apart from the evaluation of inhibition of oocyst sporulation, most effort was concentrated on assessment of the capacity of the different anticoccidials to inhibit both the invasion and further development (up to the first schizogony)of E. ninakohlyakimovae sporozoites in bovine colonic epithelial cells (BCEC). For this purpose, infected cultures were monitored 1, 8 and 15 days post infection to determine the infection rate, number of immature schizonts and number, size and appearance of mature schizonts, respectively. No clear inhibitory effect was found with any of the anticoccidial formulations tested, and we could not identify why there were no measurable effects from the different anticoccidials. Despite the lack of positive results, further investigations should be encouraged, as this could decrease the need for animal experiments and could be used in the initial assessment of anticoccidial efficacy of new drugs.
ISSN: 0014-4894
DOI: 10.1016/j.exppara.2019.04.009
Fuente: Experimental Parasitology [ISSN 0014-4894], v. 201, p. 34-41
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