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Título: Coastal geomorphic chronosequences across broad spatiotemporal scales. Metrical observations from the Cape Verde hotspot
Autores/as: Ferrer-Valero, Nicolás 
Hernández-Calvento, Luis 
Clasificación UNESCO: 250507 Geografía física
Palabras clave: Cape Verde
Coastal Evolution
Hotspot Islands
Landscape Metrics
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Publicación seriada: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 
Resumen: The study of the coastal landscapes of hotspot oceanic islands through comprehensive structural metrics and ecological estimators represents an opportunity to explore geomorphological transformations and broad spatiotemporal scale features of coastal evolution. As part of this approach, a new metrical comparative analysis is presented in this study, comprising four islands in different evolutionary stages. They belong to the Cape Verde archipelago, which forms a double insular chain in which an east–west gradient in age and evolution is particularly evident across the southern chain. A space-for-time (SFT) substitution approach is applied to the coasts of (1) Fogo, in the shield stage; (2) Santiago, in the early post-erosional stage; (3) São Vicente, in the advanced post-erosional stage; and (4) Boa Vista, in the last erosional stage. From the obtained spatial distributions and frequencies of landforms, the coastal landscapes of these islands are compared in relation to their (i) geomorphic composition, using similarity indices (Whittaker, βw, Sorensen, Cs) and nestedness estimators (NOFD, WNODF), (ii) geomorphic abundance, using morpho-assembling densities (Dgm), and (iii) geomorphic diversity, using six alpha-diversity indices (Richness, S, Menhinick, DMN, Simpson, D, Shannon, H’, Berger-Parker, d, and Brillouin, HB). An advanced geomorphological taxonomy is implemented for areas with limited open-access data, including a set of planform features captured through scale-frequency decomposition. Photographic, cartographic and fieldwork data are used for landform identification at 1200 random sampling points, empirically determined by a bootstrap method. The results show a chronological ordering of the compared variables and a possible co-evolution towards an increase in organizational geomorphic complexity of coastal systems at broad space-timescales. The method proposed in this study can contribute, from a metrical perspective, to finding new long-term evolutionary features and constitutes an advance in the development of an integrated model of coastal evolution in oceanic islands.
ISSN: 0197-9337
DOI: 10.1002/esp.4738
Fuente: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms [ISSN 0197-9337], v. 45 (3), p. 511-525
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