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Título: Publication modalities 'article in press' and 'open access' in relation to journal average citation
Autores/as: González Betancor, Sara María 
Dorta González, Pablo 
Clasificación UNESCO: 570106 Documentación
Palabras clave: Subjetc Categories
Impact Factor
Fctor de impacto
Open Acces Journal
Revistas de acceso abierto
Fecha de publicación: 2019
Publicación seriada: Scientometrics 
Resumen: There has been a generalization in the use of two publication practices by scientific journals during the past decade: (1) 'article in press' or early view, which allows access to the accepted paper before its formal publication in an issue; (2) 'open access', which allows readers to obtain it freely and free of charge. This paper studies the influence of both publication modalities on the average impact of the journal and its evolution over time. It tries to identify the separate effect of access on citation into two major parts: early view and selection effect, managing to provide some evidence of the positive effect of both. Scopus is used as the database and CiteScore as the measure of journal impact. The prevalence of both publication modalities is quantified. Differences in the average impact factor of group of journals, according to their publication modalities, are tested. The evolution over time of the citation influence, from 2011 to 2016, is also analysed. Finally, a linear regression to explain the correlation of these publication practices with the CiteScore in 2016, in a ceteris paribus context, is estimated. Our main findings show evidence of a positive correlation between average journal impact and advancing the publication of accepted articles, moreover this correlation increases over time. The open access modality, in a ceteris paribus context, also correlates positively with average journal impact.
ISSN: 0138-9130
DOI: 10.1007/s11192-019-03156-2
Fuente: Scientometrics[ISSN 0138-9130],v. 120 (3), p. 1209-1223
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