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Título: INT Toxicity over Natural Bacterial Assemblages from Surface Oligotrophic Waters: Implications for the Assessment of Respiratory Activity
Autores/as: Baños, Isabel 
Montero, María F. 
Benavides Gorostegui,Mar 
Arístegui, Javier 
Clasificación UNESCO: 251001 Oceanografía biológica
Palabras clave: ETS
Cell viability
Leucine incorporation
Bacterial respiration
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Proyectos: BES-2016- 078407
INNOVA Canarias 2020
Flujos de Carbono en Un Sistema de Afloramiento Costero (Cabo Blanco, Nw de África); Modulación A Submesoscala de la Producción, Exportación y Consumo de Carbono 
Publicación seriada: Microbial Ecology 
Resumen: Plankton community respiration (R) is a major component of the carbon flux in aquatic ecosystems. However, current methods to measure actual respiration from oxygen consumption at relevant spatial scales are not sensitive enough in oligotrophic environments where respiration rates are very low. To overcome this drawback, more sensitive indirect enzymatic approaches are commonly used as R proxies. The in vivo electron transport system (ETSvivo) assay, which measures the reduction of (2-(4-iodophenyl)-3-(4-nitrophenyl)-5-phenyl tetrazolium chloride salt, INT) to INT-formazan in the presence of natural substrate levels, was recently proposed as an indirect reliable estimation of R for natural plankton communities. However, under in vivo conditions, formazan salts could be toxic to the cells. Here, we test the toxicity of 0.2 mM of final INT concentration, widely used for ETSvivo assays, on natural bacterial assemblages collected in coastal and oceanic waters off Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, subtropical North Atlantic), in eight independent experiments. After 0.5 h of incubation, a significant but variable decline in cell viability (14–49%) was observed in all samples inoculated with INT. Moreover, INT also inhibited leucine uptake in less than 90 min of incubation. In the light of these results, we argue that enzymatic respiratory rates obtained with the ETSvivo method need to be interpreted with caution to derive R in oceanic regions where bacteria largely contribute to community respiration. Moreover, the variable toxicity on bacterial assemblages observed in our experiments questions the use of a single R/ETSvivo relationship as a universal proxy for regional studies.
ISSN: 0095-3628
DOI: 10.1007/s00248-019-01479-4
Fuente: Microbial Ecology [ISSN 0095-3628], v. 80, p. 237–242
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