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Título: On the pragmatic function of anglicisms in Spanish: a case study
Autores/as: González Cruz, María Isabel 
Rodríguez Medina, María Jesús 
Clasificación UNESCO: 57 Lingüística
Fecha de publicación: 2011
Publicación seriada: Revista alicantina de estudios ingleses 
Resumen: Anglicisms are a complex phenomenon resulting from language contact and cultural globalization. They are greatly encouraged by the technological and cultural influence exerted by the Anglo-American world. Little has been said so far about usage as a factor. Besides, there is a type of anglicism of a pragmatic nature which remains almost unexplored. It is used in some communicative situations with a sort of expressive or aesthetic function, which some authors have called “ludic” or “empathic”, since they tend to mark oral discourse with humorous or ironic features. In this article we will approach the concept of pragmatic function within this field of anglicisms. To illustrate it, we will provide some examples taken from research previously carried out in the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, with a group of young speakers, undoubtedly the social group most overtly exposed to the influence of anglicisms.
ISSN: 0214-4808
Fuente: Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses: RAEI [ISSN 0214-4808] (24), p. 257-273
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