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Title: Contributions to the symbolic processing of segments in computer vision
Authors: Cabrera, J.
Hernández, M. 
Falcón Martel, Antonio 
Méndez, J.
UNESCO Clasification: 120304 Inteligencia artificial
120399 Otras (especificar)
Keywords: Knowledge-based image segmentation
Fuzzy logic
Spatial relations
Issue Date: 1996
Journal: Mathware & soft computing
Abstract: In this paper a processing methodology is introduced for the segment or intermediate level in the context of knowledge-based computer vision systems. The proposed methodology demonstrates how using simple Fuzzy Logic concepts it is possible to associate symbolic descriptions to the entities of this level. It provides with the basic mechanisms for performing symbolic computation, evidence combination, uncertainty management and spatial reasoning at the segment level.
ISSN: 1134-5632
Source: Mathware & soft computing [ISSN 1134-5632], v. 3 (3), p. 403-413
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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