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Título: Impact of beacon-dependent parameters on Bluetooth low energy indoor positioning accuracy
Autores/as: De Blasio , Gabriele Salvatore 
Quesada Arencibia, Francisco Alexis 
Rodríguez Rodríguez, José Carlos 
García Rodríguez, Carmelo Rubén 
Moreno-Díaz, Roberto 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3327 Tecnología de los sistemas de transporte
Palabras clave: Indoor positioning
Bluetooth low energy
Transmission power
Advertising interval
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Publicación seriada: Proceedings (MDPI) 
Resumen: Blue Low Energy technology is playing an important role nowadays in ubiquitous systems, being the beacons a key element. The configuration of parameters related to the beacons, such as their transmission power or their advertising interval should be studied in order to build fingerprinting indoor positioning systems based on this technology as accurate as possible. In this work, we study the impact and the interplay of those parameters in static indoor positioning as well as the orientation effect in the calibration phase. To reduce the time of data collection, a semi-automatic system is introduced.
ISSN: 2504-3900
DOI: 10.3390/proceedings2191223
Fuente: Proceedings [ISSN 2504-3900], v. 2 (19), p. 1223
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