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Title: Slope Control in Western Boundary Currents
Authors: Sang-Ki, Lee
Pelegrí Llopart,José Luis 
Kroll, John
UNESCO Clasification: 2510 Oceanografía
Keywords: Continental-Slope
Stratified Flow
Circulation, et al
Issue Date: 2001
Journal: Journal of Physical Oceanography 
Abstract: An analytic solution is presented for the steady-state depth-averaged western boundary current flowing over the continental slope by combining three highly idealized models: the Stommel model, the Munk model, and the arrested topographic wave model. The main vorticity balance over the slope is between planetary vorticity advection and the slope-induced bottom stress torque, which is proportional to rv(h(-1))(x) where r is the Rayleigh friction coefficient, h is the water depth, and v is the meridional velocity. This slope-induced torque provides the necessary source of vorticity for poleward flow over the slope, its simple interpretation being that vorticity is produced because the bottom stress has to act over the seaward-deepening water column. The character of the solution depends on the slope alpha as well as on the assumed bottom drag coefficient, and the length scale of the boundary current is similar to root 2r(beta alpha). It is further shown that, if the depth-averaged velocity flows along isobaths, then the stretching of water columns associated with cross- isobath geostrophic flow, which compensates bottom Ekman transport, is identical to the slope-induced torque by the geostrophic velocities.
ISBN: 223670
ISSN: 0022-3670
Source: Journal Of Physical Oceanography [ISSN 0022-3670], v. 31 (11), p. 3349-3360, (2001)
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