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Title: Lola’s Story: the struggle to build a professional identity with No Good Jobs in Sight
Authors: Cardenal de la Nuez, María Eugenia 
UNESCO Clasification: 6307 Cambio y desarrollo social
Keywords: Professional Identity
Life Story
Oral History
Identity Construction
Proactive Person
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan 
Abstract: This chapter brings a key aspect of personal identity into focus: professional identity. I look at how young Spanish university graduates construct their professional identities under highly adverse socioeconomic conditions. For the last eight years, Spain has been caught in an economic depression, with shrinking employment and a rollback in worker’s rights. Insecurity and lower wages have pervaded the entire employment structure, including jobs for graduates (Ministerio 96-105). How do university graduates adjust their work, professional, and personal expectations to the reality of a declining and progressively insecure job market? And in doing so, what “forms of identity” (Dubar 2000: 185) do they develop in the face of precarious employment? What is the role of the family, the educational system, and peers in the construction of these forms of identity? These were the main questions that guided the project.
ISBN: 978-1-349-56646-4
DOI: 10.1057/9781137438713_6
Source: Benmayor R., de la Nuez M.E.C., Prats P.D. (eds) Memory, Subjectivities, and Representation. Palgrave Studies in Oral History. Palgrave Macmillan, New York. p. 93-109
Appears in Collections:Capítulo de libro
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