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Title: An integrated approach to automated innovization for discovering useful design principles: Case studies from engineering
Authors: Deb, Kalyanmoy
Bandaru, Sunith
Greiner, David 
Gaspar-Cunha, António
Tutum, Cem Celal
UNESCO Clasification: 332824 Trituración
Keywords: Multi-objective optimization
Design principles
Extrusion process
Noise barrier optimization, et al
Issue Date: 2014
Journal: Applied Soft Computing Journal 
Abstract: Computational optimization methods are most often used to find a single or multiple optimal or near-optimal solutions to the underlying optimization problem describing the problem at hand. In this paper, we elevate the use of optimization to a higher level in arriving at useful problem knowledge associated with the optimal or near-optimal solutions to a problem. In the proposed innovization process, first a set of trade-off optimal or near-optimal solutions are found using an evolutionary algorithm. Thereafter, the trade-off solutions are analyzed to decipher useful relationships among problem entities automatically so as to provide a better understanding of the problem to a designer or a practitioner. We provide an integrated algorithm for the innovization process and demonstrate the usefulness of the procedure to three real-world engineering design problems. New and innovative design principles obtained in each case should clearly motivate engineers and practitioners for its further application to more complex problems and its further development as a more efficient data analysis procedure.
ISSN: 1568-4946
DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.2013.10.011
Source: Applied Soft Computing Journal [ISSN 1568-4946], v. 15, p. 42-56, (Febrero 2014)
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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