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Título: Propagation of longest-edge mesh patterns in local adaptive refinement
Autores/as: Suárez, J. P. 
Plaza, A. 
Carey, G. F.
Clasificación UNESCO: 120601 Construcción de algoritmos
Palabras clave: Aptive mesh refinement
Longest edge propagation statistics
Fecha de publicación: 2008
Publicación seriada: Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 
Resumen: We examine the propagation of local adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) under a longest edge conformity scheme. Supporting numerical studies are included and discussed. Of specific interest is the statistical behaviour of the propagation zone in AMR of simplicial meshes. To this end three propagation metrics are used: the total number of original triangles in the propagation paths emanating from any target element, the longest individual edge path, and the extent of secondary refinement due to the conformity.
ISSN: 1069-8299
DOI: 10.1002/cnm.956
Fuente: Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering [ISSN 1069-8299], v. 24, p. 543-553
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