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Título: Access to spectrally resolved ultra-dense hot low Z emissivities and opacities
Autores/as: Schott, R
Philippe, F
Angelo, P
Dufour, E
Poquerusse, A
Leboucher-Dalimier, E
Sauvan, P
Velarde, P
Ogando, F
Minguez, E
Gil, JM 
Rubiano, JG 
Rodríguez Pérez, Rafael 
Martel, P 
Mancini, R
Clasificación UNESCO: 220410 Física de plasmas
Palabras clave: 52.70.La
X-ray and gamma-ray measurements
Plasma production and heating by laser beams, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2002
Editor/a: 0094-243X
Publicación seriada: AIP Conference Proceedings 
Resumen: We present here experimental studies of broadened bound‐bound emissivities and opacities of low Z plasmas that are the best candidates for exhibiting ion and electron correlations. First we report on an emission experiment where a new target design is used to access the highest densities. Such targets irradiated by an intense long laser pulse generate plasmas well adapted to model and extract opacities. The measurements are compared to theoretical results obtained from simulations involving new atomic/molecular physics models that take into account detailed line profiles. We end up with the description of an absorption experiment in progress, this experiment using the same targets.
ISBN: 0-7354-0100-4
ISSN: 0094-243X
DOI: 10.1063/1.1525474
Fuente: Spectral Line Shapes [ISSN 0094-243X], v. 645, p. 340-351
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