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Título: A parametric potential for ions from helium to iron isoelectronic sequences
Autores/as: Martel, P. 
Doreste, L.
Mínguez, E.
Gil, J. M. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 220703 Física atómica
Palabras clave: Analytical potentials
Fecha de publicación: 1995
Editor/a: 0022-4073
Publicación seriada: Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 
Resumen: It is shown that a new family of analytical potentials with one, two or three parameters produces similar results to those obtained with more complex models. The parameters of the potential are obtained by an iterative procedure with a selfconsistent relativistic potential that has corrections at large distances, and considers the exchange and correlation energy by means of the local density approximation. The analysis of the results obtained with the family of analytical potentials (eigenvalues, eigenfunctions and atomic energies) allowed us to propose a parametric potential with one or two parameters that depends on the electron number of ion. These parameters were fitted to power series in Z for intermediate and highly ionized atoms from helium to iron isoelectronic sequences. Finally, using this analytic potential, we obtained oscillator strengths for lithium and soduim like gold, which are compared with other models.
ISSN: 0022-4073
DOI: 10.1016/0022-4073(95)00099-7
Fuente: Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer [ISSN 0022-4073], v. 54 (4), p. 621-636
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