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Título: Experimental Values And Analysis Of Mixing Heats Of The Binary-Mixtures Formed By Alkyl Benzoates And N-Alkanes
Autores/as: Ortega, J 
Postigo, Ma
Fecha de publicación: 1995
Editor/a: 0378-3812
Publicación seriada: Fluid Phase Equilibria 
Resumen: HE values for 28 binary mixtures of four alkyl (methyl, ethyl, propyl, and butyl) benzoates and seven odd n-alkanes (from pentane to heptadecane) were determined experimentally at 298.15 K. Data plots (x,HE) revealed the endothermicity of the mixtures. For a given ester the endothermic effects increased regularly with n-alkane chain length and decreased regularly with the length of the alkylated chain of benzoate. The experimental values were analysed using two versions of the UNIFAC group contribution model. Using the new data, values were calculated for the specific interactions of the characteristic carboxyl group, COO, on the benzoates with other groups in the mixing process for these mixtures, namely, CH2 COO and ACH COO. Using the new values the model produced good HE estimates, with an overall mean error of less than 5%. © 1995.
ISSN: 0378-3812
DOI: 10.1016/0378-3812(95)02704-I
Fuente: Fluid Phase Equilibria[ISSN 0378-3812],v. 108 (1-2), p. 121-133
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