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Title: Associations among Physician Advice, Physical Activity, and Socio-demographic Groups in Older Spanish Adults
Authors: Martin Rodriguez, Maria
Martinez del Castillo, Jesus
Serrano Sanchez, Jose Antonio 
Jimenez-Beatty Navarro, Jose Emilio
Antonio Santacruz, Jose 
Rivero Herraiz, Antonio
Keywords: Health
Prescription, et al
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: 0714-9808
Journal: Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissment/Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de Politiques 
Abstract: This study examined the relationship between medical advice to engage in physical activity with type of demand required by physical activity and demographic variables. A cross-sectional study was developed, featuring a questionnaire on physicians' advice, and type of demand. The questionnaire was completed by a probability and nationwide sample of older adults in Spain (n = 933, M = 74.1, range 65-93), randomly selected using multistage sampling. More physically active older adults have, more often than the less active, received physicians' advice to engage in physical activity. There is a significant relationship between medical advice and type of demand (p < .01) and age (p < .05). However, no relationship was found between physician medical advice and gender, social class, or income. Physicians can effectively promote physical activity among sedentary older adults through appropriate advice. Consequently, health authorities should promote physicians' advising older patients to pursue physical activity.
ISSN: 0714-9808
DOI: 10.1017/S0714980812000190
Source: Canadian Journal On Aging-Revue Canadienne Du Vieillissement[ISSN 0714-9808],v. 31 (3), p. 349-356
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