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Title: There is a common approach to the use of the lexicon indigenismo in urban historical and geographical relationships of the sixteenth century?
Authors: Caceres Lorenzo, Maria Teresa 
Keywords: New-World
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: 0039-3274
Journal: Studia Neophilologica 
Abstract: Este trabajo busca reconocer la tendencia en el uso del indigenismo lexico en distintas Relaciones historico-geograficas, a traves del diseno de la siguiente investigacion: 1 fase: analisis del lexico indigena empleado en los textos que describen la region de Popayan frente a las que solo se refieren a la ciudad de Quito; 2 fase: examen comparativo entre los indoamericanismos de Quito y de otras nueve ciudades de Mesoamerica y Sudamerica. Los resultados obtenidos verifican que no se advierte una norma comun para todas las areas. El pluricentrismo esta ligado a la situacion geografica, valor economico de la zona que se describe y ano de fundacion. No existe conexion entre la seleccion de los indigenismos lexicos y la descripcion de lugares urbanos y no urbanos. This work seeks to recognize the trend in the use of lexical indigenisms within different historical and geographical relations, through the design of the following investigation: Stage 1: analysis of the pre-Hispanic lexicon employed in the texts that describe the region of Popayan, in comparison with those that refer to the city of Quito. Stage 2: comparative analysis of the Indo-Americanisms in Quito and nine other cities in Mesoamerica and South America. The results verify that a common standard for all areas cannot be noted. The pluricentrism is linked to the geographical location, economic value of the area described and founding year. There is no connection between the selection of lexical indigenisms and the description of urban and non-urban places.
ISSN: 0039-3274
DOI: 10.1080/00393274.2015.1015842
Source: Studia Neophilologica[ISSN 0039-3274],v. 87 (2), p. 218-235
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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