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Título: Analysis of the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the exercise identity scalt
Autores/as: Modrono Pascual, Cristian
Guillen Garcia, Felix 
Gonzalez Henriquez, Juan Jose 
Palabras clave: Athletic Identity
Fecha de publicación: 2010
Editor/a: 0185-6073
Publicación seriada: Revista Mexicana de Psicologia 
Resumen: The purpose of this research has been to translate into Spanish and analyze the psychometric properties of Anderson and Cychosz's measuring scale of the identification with physical exercise (EIS) (1994) in a sample of 316 university students. The confirmatory factor analysis stated that the model that best adjusts to the data both in the total sample and in the subsamples of men and women has a unidimensional structure with method effects in the items presented in affirmative sentences. The results indicate positive and strong correlations between the different items that constitute the scale and also between each of the indicators related to physical exercise that were considered and that explained a 54.9% of variance. Moreover, the scale has shown satisfactory levels of internal consistency, obtaining a Cronbach's Alpha reliability of .96 and temporary stability with a test-retest reliability of .90 after a one-week period. These results support the use of the EIS to evaluate the identification with exercise in the university context.
ISSN: 0185-6073
Fuente: Revista Mexicana De Psicologia [ISSN 0185-6073], v. 27 (1), p. 25-34
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