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Título: Is the eccrine gland an integral, functionally important component of the human scalp pilosebaceous unit?
Autores/as: Poblet, Enrique
Jiménez-Acosta, Francisco 
Hardman, Jonathan A.
Escario, Eduardo
Paus, Ralf
Clasificación UNESCO: 320106 Dermatología
Palabras clave: Eccrine sweat gland
Hair follicle
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Publicación seriada: Experimental Dermatology 
Resumen: The pilosebaceous unit (PSU) and the eccrine sweat gland (ESG) are classically described as completely independent skin appendages. However, careful inspection of scalp follicular units reveals that the secretory segment of the ESG spatially approximates the hair follicle in a position below the sebaceous gland and the insertion of the arrector pili muscle. Therefore, we propose here that, contrary to conventional wisdom, the PSU and the ESG should not be viewed in isolation, and may form instead, along with the arrector pili muscle and the apocrine gland (where present),one functional unit. For this, we suggest the more inclusive term of 'Hair Cluster' (HC). If confirmed, e.g. by 3D imaging techniques, the novel concept of a functional HC, whose individual components may communicate via secreted molecules and may share selected progenitor cell populations for HC repair/regeneration, has major physiological and pathological implications, which are briefly discussed.
ISSN: 0906-6705
DOI: 10.1111/exd.12889
Fuente: Experimental Dermatology [ISSN 0906-6705], v. 25 (2), p. 149-150
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