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Título: Effects of intra-set rest on the ability to repeat work at maximal isometric strength
Autores/as: García Manso, Juan Manuel 
Valverde, Teresa
Arrones, Luis
Navarro Valdivielso, Manuel E. 
Martin Dantas, Estelio H.
Da Silva-Grigoletto, Marzo E.
Clasificación UNESCO: 241106 Fisiología del ejercicio
Palabras clave: Exercise
Muscle fatigue
Muscle strength
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Editor/a: 0022-4707
Publicación seriada: Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 
Resumen: BACKGROUND: The aim of this paper was to analyze how the rest between interval repetitions in intra-set training (at maximal isometric loads) could affect the ability to repeat maximal contractions in subjects with different levels of performance and different experience in strength development work. METHODS: Twenty subjects were divided randomly into two different groups depending on their sport characteristics: ten subjects were trained in strength development work (Group Strenght - 23.1±4.6 years; 172.0±5.3 cm; 79.9±12.1 kg; 2175.6±490.8 N; 46.9±4.9 mL/kg.min), and ten subjects were trained in endurance work (Group Endurance-21.3±4.5 years; 172.4±4.1 cm; 60.0±4.6 kg; 815.5±206.5 N; 67.4±4.9 mL/kg.min). To assess the ability to repeat maximal efforts, 20 repetitions of 5 seconds were performed in a half-squat position, with 1 minute of rest between repetitions. RESULTS: For both groups, four different phases were observed in the Interval Maximal Force test during the 20-repetition assessment: potentiation, maintenance, moderate loss, and significant loss. For the GE, the loss in maximum strength capacity began in the fourth repetition (GS4th: 3.4%, ns, Effect Size: 0.09 vs. GE3th: 1.6%; ns; ES: 0.06) and reached a statistically significant value in the twelfth repetition (GS12th: 12.7%, P=0.03, ES: 0.35 vs. GE7th: 12.5%; P=0.01; ES: 0.49). The number of repetitions at which the strength began to decrease depended on the subject's sport characteristic and performance level. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows how an appropriate intra-set rest inclusion can significantly increase the work performed in every set without changing the muscle contraction characteristics, thus delaying muscle fatigue and maintaining the desired training objective.
ISSN: 0022-4707
Fuente: Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness [ISSN 0022-4707], v. 56 (3), p. 214-222
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