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Title: Affine invariant distance using multiscale analysis
Authors: Alvarez, Luis 
Cuenca Hernández, Carmelo 
Esclarín, Julio 
Mazorra, Luis 
Morel, J.-M.
UNESCO Clasification: 120601 Construcción de algoritmos
120602 Ecuaciones diferenciales
120326 Simulación
220990 Tratamiento digital. Imágenes
Keywords: Affine invariance
Distance map
Multiscale analysis
Scale space
Issue Date: 2016
Journal: Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 
Abstract: In this paper we introduce an affine invariant distance definition from a (Formula presented.) point to the boundary of a bounded shape using morphological multiscale analysis. We study the mathematical behavior of this distance by examining separately the cases of convex and non-convex shapes. We prove that the proposed distance is bounded in the convex hull of the shape and infinite otherwise. A numerical scheme is given as well as experiments illustrating the behavior of the affine invariant distance.
ISSN: 0924-9907
DOI: 10.1007/s10851-015-0585-9
Source: Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision[ISSN 0924-9907],v. 55, p. 199-209
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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