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Título: Reproductive biology of the sand smelt Atherina presbyter Cuvier, 1829 (Pisces: Atherinidae) in the central-east Atlantic
Autores/as: Moreno, Teresa
Castro, José Juan 
Socorro, Juan
Clasificación UNESCO: 2401 Biología animal (zoología)
240119 Zoología marina
Palabras clave: Atherina presbyter
Canary Islands
Fecha de publicación: 2005
Publicación seriada: Fisheries Research 
Resumen: This study investigates the reproductive biology of Atherina presbyter, a fast growing, short-lived coastal pelagic fish found off the Canary Islands. Sampling was carried out monthly between January 1997 and June 1998. The sex of adult fishes (N = 878) was determined macroscopically and the proportion of males was significantly lower than that of females with a ratio of 1:1.34 males/females. Histological analysis of the ovaries showed the species had non-synchronic oocyte development, and egg-laying occurred in separate batches comprising 20–35% of oocytes. The total length at 50% maturity was 65.4 and 73.1 mm for males and females, respectively. The spawning period occurred predominantly during spring, although a few females were ripe at the beginning of autumn. The average relative fecundity was estimated as per 49.2 eggs/g of fish (S.D. = 22.4) and it depended on the gonad weight which increased with fish length. The relative fecundity was higher in the southern than in the northern and central parts of the distribution area.
ISSN: 0165-7836
DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2004.06.016
Fuente: Fisheries Research [ISSN 0165-7836], v. 72 (1), p. 121-131
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