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Título: Experimental results of H(m)(E) and V(m)(E) for binary mixtures (propylbenzene plus an alkane or plus an alkyl ethanoate)
Otros títulos: Experimental results of HmE and VmE for binary mixtures (propylbenzene + an alkane or + an alkyl ethanoate)
Autores/as: Ortega, J. 
Bolat, G.
Marrero, E.
Popa, I. M.
Clasificación UNESCO: 3303 ingeniería y tecnología químicas
Fecha de publicación: 2008
Editor/a: 0031-9104
Proyectos: Experimentación y Modelización Avanzada Sobre Sistemas Fluidos Que Contienen Hidrocarburos Halogenados 
Publicación seriada: Physics and Chemistry of Liquids 
Resumen: This article presents an experimental and theoretical contribution on binary mixtures alkylbenzene + alkanes or + alkylethanoates as a continuation of an investigation project on liquid mixtures containing aromatic compounds and a second component. So, excess molar enthalpies Hm E at T = 298.15 K and excess molar volumes Vm E at T = 298.15 and 318.15 K for a set of 11 binary mixtures formed by propylbenzene and alkanes (C7 to C16) and alkyl ethanoates (methyl to butyl) are presented. All systems studied showed endothermic effects increasing regularly the Hm M and Vm M in mixtures with alkanes as the aliphatic hydrocarbon chain-length increases, however, in mixtures with ethanoates both excess properties decrease with the increase of the ester molecular weight. The Vm Ms result positive in mixtures with all alkanes except with heptane and also with all alkylethanotes except with butyl ethanoate which present a sigmoidal representation. An increase in temperature produces (∂Vm E/∂T) < 0 in mixtures containing heptane and hexadecane and a almost null slope in the remain mixtures. However, the variation in mixtures with alkyl ethanoates is positive for methyl ethanaote changing to negative from ethyl. Experimental values for all systems are correlated with a suitable parametric equation which is function of the so-called active fraction. Finally, two known versions of the UNIFAC group contribution model are applied to our mixtures, giving acceptable results for all mixtures studied when one of the versions is used.
ISSN: 0031-9104
DOI: 10.1080/00319100701548459
Fuente: Physics And Chemistry Of Liquids[ISSN 0031-9104],v. 46 (4), p. 408-416
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