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Título: The problem of demand modeling from a disaggragate perspective: The transport case
Autores/as: Ortúzar, Juan de Dios
Román, Concepción 
Palabras clave: Multinomial Logit Model
Discrete-Choice Models
Specification Tests
Stated Preferences
Fecha de publicación: 2003
Publicación seriada: Eure 
Resumen: Disaggregate models, based on the study of individual's behavior making their consumption choices, are considered today the rigth tool in the analysis and predition of demand. This discipline has experienced an increasing development in the last decades, both in a methodological and emprirical level. In this article, an actualized overview of the problem of demand modeling from a disaggregate perspective is presented, emphasizing the case of the transport, in wich the mayor part of the applications has been developed. Microeconomical basis, the most important aspects related to modeling and the sources of information of this modeles are analyzed. In relation with this sources, a special mention about the modeling with declared preferences and mixed data is made.
ISSN: 0250-7161
Fuente: Eure [ISSN 0250-7161], v. 29, p. 149-171, (Diciembre 2003)
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